Are Human Beings
Viewed As Inherently Evil
According To Islam

03-02-2023 Friday 06:00 GMT+06:00
Shanjida HAidar Shanjida Haidar


_It might have crossed our minds when we learn about the stories of " Jack the Ripper", the infamous Victorian Serial killer. Or just having a series of bad days, we might even yawn, "I’ve seen it all. There’s nothing good."


But come on, life is not that doom and gloom. However, this question has always been the epitome of every human being at least once in life. Our philosophers spend restless nights devising their own controversial theories.


The theory of " Confucianism " proposed a brilliant theory regarding this phenomenon, As they believed that there’s light in the pinch of darkness in the human heart . On the flip side of the dice, no matter how enthralling the righteous person may be, there’s still a pinch of darkness remaining in their hearts.


When we look up at the sky, we see the dazzling stars dangling in front of our eyes. Do you know what the Angels see? They see the believer’s heart as the stars of the earth.


But I personally believe Islam has the most gratifying and hopeful answer to that.


According to Islam, Human beings are inherently good. This goodness, virtual or moral conscience was not only preprogrammed by the Almighty Allah (swt), creator of the Heavens and the Skies. But it is actually from His perfect attribute that was designated for us known as " Fitra ".


Now if we observe the word "Fitra", it means "original disposition", "natural constitution", or "innate nature of any Muslim" which is believed to be pure and innocent.


Are Human Beings Viewed As Inherently Evil According To Islam

Naturally, we want to obey Allah (swt), and we are programmed to love the Most beloving Al-Wadud, just as a mother loves her child or a child loves his/her other. Of course, Allah’s example is much higher than that.


Now we can appreciate this ayah better,


(Surah Rum 30:30), "… turn your face singlemindedly to the true Faith and adhere to the true nature (Fitrah) on which Allah has created human beings. The mold fashioned by Allah cannot be altered. That is the True, Straight Faith, although most people do not know."


Now you might be wondering how come there’s so much evil, and corruption in the world then? How do people become atheists or become devoted to other faiths? That is because human beings are constructed manually upon this design but nothing has been imposed on them regarding their choices.


"Fitra" is often compared as Bangladeshi lamps known as "Hurricanes". This light is given to us as gifts from " The light of the Heavens and the Skies " Allah Almighty. It is protected by as if this beautiful glassier where we see the world from a purified, clear sense. Whenever we sin, a single black spot fills up the spot placed in our hearts. If we don’t engage in purification, our hearts become completely covered with darkness.

Are Human Beings Viewed As Inherently Evil According To Islam

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Jami` at-Tirmidhi, Book 47, Hadith 3654

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