Now you have options to publish your content on Eyes on Life following the PPV (Pay Per View) process which has been started from August 2022.
Perticipators could publish their contents (Audio, Video, Article, Feature etc.) by email them to Eyes on Life, Editors will decide about which content to be published.
Writers will get paid based on the views of their contents. Eyes on Life has fixed a maximum payment per view for every content which will last forever if it is not deleted for any unavoidable reason.
Writers nominee will get the payment after the death of the writer, and then the next, and next...
Every perticipants will have their own secured profile and content statistics to observe their earnings, but only Eyes on Life will be able to edit the informations of the profiles viewable to everyone around the world, but of course with the permission of the owner.
The payment per view rate is based on the rate Eyes on Life gets from the advertisers. Under this process you can publish any content that holds any kind of information people search for.
Remember that Eyes on Life is basically a biographical online platform from the very beginning, so, features, articles, news, videos or biographies, whatever you send, should be informative and with a strong base (Referred by the writer is the best way, including photographs). Frequently we reject content only for the lack of photographs.
Email: (For information) or make a call
PPV is a payment process Eyes on Life uses to pay it's members worldwide. The members are the freelancers work for Eyes on Life, Employees are also member but they called as admin.
Eyes on Life earns from the advertisers wordwide. To maintain the management forever it's admin was looking for a way to establish a well decorated chain between the viewers and Eyes on Life members.
After a long research the admin found that the PPV process will be a better way to keep the members satisfied, where it was a big matter to make them happy in front of different kinds of choices.